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Open Events

Our open events are an ideal way for your family to have a good look around our 'Excellent' school!

Below you will see listed our forthcoming open events, which will take place in the Autumn term. We warmly invite you to reserve your space at either or both events now!

If you are considering which school to join before these events take place, or are unable to make these dates, you are welcome to visit us for an individual tour. Please do just contact our Admissions team on 01462 432009 or via and we will happily arrange this for you, as well as discuss what limited spaces are available. 

Kingshott Senior School Open Evening September 24Thursday 19th September 2024, from 6pm to 7:30pm
Reserve your place now for our Senior School Evening (via our booking system, Trybooking) 

We warmly invite families to ‘See inside our Senior School’ and to find out more about the education we’ll be offering our Year 7 to 11 students.  Join us for an informative evening to:  

- Explore our excellent Senior School facilities
- Meet our exceptional teachers who inspire students to achieve their potential 
- Find out about our GCSE options and extensive activities we offer beyond the classroom 
- See our supportive community and nurturing environment 
- Discover how we prepare pupils for their future 

Prospective families and students are welcomed and encouraged to book their space (see below), to discover how Kingshott could be the best fit for their senior school journey. 

Our Head, David Weston, will be giving two short presentations during the evening - one just after 6pm and another at 7:10pm. Visitors are encouraged to join either presentation, before or after they have seen the school! Reserve your place now for our Senior School Evening (via our booking system, Trybooking) 


Kingshott Open Morning October 24Thursday 10th October 2024, from 9am to 11am 
Our whole school Open Morning showcases all that makes Kingshott special! You will have the opportunity to meet our Head, teachers and pupils who will all be able to give you an insight into life at Kingshott.  Visiting families will be able to experience all that is 'Excellent' about Kingshott as our Senior School students will take you on a tour and you will be able to see some classes in action.  You can choose to see the whole school from our Early Years provision in Nursery and Reception, all the way through to our eldest year groups (currently Year 9). Or we welcome families looking for Year 7+ places to just visit our Senior School, and to find out more about our move to offer GCSEs.  

Book your place now for our Open Morning (via our booking system, Trybooking)