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Category / School NewsStaff WOW at our annual Panto!
Our annual staff pantomime was amazing ('oh yes it was'!)
Snow White and the extremely badly behaved 23 (not very vertically challenged and frankly quite hairy) people who live in a forest was a hit. The pupils all enjoyed seeing their teachers take on a variety of roles and learnt the very valuable lessons of having the confidence to stand up in front of an audience, to just enjoy taking part, and to carry on when things don't always go to plan!
As well as performing to pupils on the last day of term, the staff hosted their annual charity panto evening. We were very privileged to be accompanied by two fantastic gentlemen from the MND association. We picked the charity in order to bring a little awareness and to support Claire Palomares, or should we say, the amazingly talented Snow White, who so sadly lost her father to the disease.
Parents were very generous but a number of people asked for a link in order to give money electronically which we were unable to do on the night. Please find the link here: https://www.justgiving.com/page/kingshottschoolpanto and we appreciate all donations to this excellent and important charity.