Current News
Category / School News Posted on: 10/12/2024
House Hockey and Football tournaments
Over the last few weeks of term the girls have been competing for their houses in house hockey and football tournaments.
It was wonderful to see the integration of the year groups with our Y7/8 girls taking on leadership roles, creating a great sense of camaraderie. It has been an exciting end to a fantastic term of sport at Kingshott.
The results are now in...
Y3/4 Girls House Football:
1st - Attenborough, 2nd - Parks, 3rd - Hawking, 4th - Pankhurst
Y6-8 Girls House Hockey:
1st - Attenborough, 2nd - Pankhurst, 3rd - Hawking, 4th - Parks
Y5-7 Girls House Football:
1st - Hawking, 2nd - Attenborough, 3rd - Pankhurst, 4th - Parks